an update & my visit with dietician

pre-celiac dx, i thought it was my pcos that made me feel crappy all the time. the bloating, the weight gain, the cravings & wanting to eat all the time, the hormones (OH THE HORMONES), the missed periods, and the fatigue. and i thought it was my meniere’s that caused the headaches, the dizziness (sometimes vertigo), the foggy brain, the nausea, the vomitting, and the 24/7 tinnitus. yes, some of these are bc of pcos and meniere’s. BUT… let me tell you. i feel so much f-in better post-celiac dx.

i still have my occasional gluten attacks, as i’m still testing food out. even the stuff that says gluten free can sometimes surprise you. i had an incidence this weekend where my father-in-law wanted to much to make me something to eat. he used rice flour to make mochi, and was very careful while handling/making it. but i immediately got sick. the package did not state what kind of facility it was in, and being a large korean company, they probably made wheat products in their facility. i have decided not to trust korean products. btw, when will the FDA change the gluten-free labeling to say that products CANNOT be GF if their shared equipment, and sometimes even shared facility, produces wheat products. that’s for another rant, i suppose.

anyhoo, my benefits post-celiac dx. i have lost weight. i have lost all my bloating. no more headaches. no more foggy brain. no more nausea. more energy. much happier, less angry (esp toward my kids).  no more cravings. no more eating all day. i get so full on such a small portion of food. i try to eat the most nutritious foods now, bc i just can’t eat as much as i used to.

benefits i hope to see in the near future… no more tinnitus, regular menstrual cycles, no more vertigo attacks.

i went to see a dietician/nutritionist on friday. although i have researched and learned lots from the internet, i went to see her anyway, bc i could always learn more. she gave me some helpful advice and gave me a bunch for lists, which i will post up this week to share with everyone. but the one thing i left with was this: we don’t know everything, especially when it deals with the body. doctors don’t know everything. they should never say never, no, or definitely not. who knows if celiac disease is connected to pcos or meniere’s. maybe, maybe not. but we just don’t know yet. so for those of you who don’t feel well, fight to be tested if you think you have a certain illness. most docs won’t test for celiacs. i think most don’t even know much about it. as i’m sure you’ve read, it is the most under-diagnosed and misdiagnosed  disease out there. also, i read in passing somewhere that doctors spend about 20 minutes learning about celiac disease (if not their specialty) in their entire medical schooling. i was lucky that i found a gastroenterologist who knew about this and spent time asking about my past and present symptoms, even though they had nothing to do with why i was there in the first place. sometimes you don’t get lucky and you have to go “shopping” for a good doc. it took me 4 docs before i found an obgyn who knew to test me immediately for pcos. 

don’t give up!!!

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